Why the night of African Diaspora Living Legend Day?

The night of African Diaspora Living Legend Day 2016″ in Hamburg is an opportunity for leading state institutions responsible for educational initiatives in development cooperation and politics as well as municipal development involving migrants to interact with the immigrant community, especially the African Community.

Principally, the night of African Diaspora Living Legend Day is dedicated to outstanding individuals and corporate entities of African and non-African descent whose work positively contributes to changing perception about Africa. The pilot event will serve as an opportunity to officially introduce the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent in Germany.

The main focus of the night of the African Diaspora Living Legend is to illuminate the potentials and positive achievements of African Migrants in Germany as well as contribute to promoting the goals of People of African Descent in Germany and across Europe. These role models (the Living Legends) are encouraged to continue serving as a positive example and inspirators and motivators as well as mentors for subsequent generations of people of African Descent. Institutions and the society in Germany should become aware of the potentials embedded in these people as well as the need to support and promote their active participation in the development of Germany in general and that of the African Diaspora in particular.

The primary role of the Media in every society is information dissemination, however, in most cases the media is often used as tools to mold and manipulate the opinion of the society on social-political discourse. This defining impact on the part of the German media affects the perception of the German people about the potential and contribution of African Migrants in the development in German municipalities where they leave.

African Heritage Magazine has relentlessly fought to successfully bridge this missing media coverage for positive contributions in different areas of development in Germany by African migrants and some African prominence (success stories) with the publication of the annual 100 most influential Africans in Germany. This Special African Heritage Magazine Edition will be officially presented on the 7th May during the event. Many of the most influential Africans or of African descent in Business, politics and civil society have already confirmed their participation. They will also be sharing their views on the importance of participation and recognitions in an address and roundtable discussion format.

Part of the night of the African Diaspora Living Legend Day will also be the presentations of awards to notables and outstanding sons and daughters of Africa whose work impact positively on Africa and its people as well as outstanding individuals and corporate entities of non-African descent whose work positively contribute to changing perception of Africa.

The strategy is to portray recipients of the Awards as role models, so that the younger generation of Africans, resident both in Germany (Europe) and Africa, may learn and emulate their ideals as achievers and leaders in their chosen fields of activity.

African Heritage Magazine, is a mainstream print magazine and online Magazine in Germany. Their media model won them Best African Media in Germany in 2005/2006, Fink TV Special Award for African Heritage TV format “Afrika Outlook,” 2013 and Best print media promoting the African Diaspora Cultural Heritage and Tourism “Oscars of Black Culture & Heritage Tourism Award” 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia USA. In 2014, the Magazine also won the Outstanding Achievement in Germany and Best Diaspora Publication Award in Spain. In February 2016, the editor in chief won the Best International Creative Director in Dublin, Ireland.

AH Team


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