• The cabinet would serve as a platform to effectively represent and amplify the concerns of the Nigerian diaspora, while also proposing realistic solutions and advocating for tangible reforms

The urgent need to revive the Nigerian Diaspora Shadow Cabinet has never been clearer. Hon. Gbandi, a prominent voice in the Nigerian diaspora community, two terms Chairman of Nigerian professional network group NIDO Germany and also a two terms European Continental Chairman and coordinator of Global Nigerian Diaspora representing the interest of 30 million Nigerians is calling for renewed efforts to resuscitate this vital platform. With a wealth of experience and a unique global perspective, the Nigerian diaspora possesses an immense capacity to influence change in the nation’s governance and socio-political dynamics. Yet, despite this potential, the diaspora has often found itself on the sidelines, hindered by a system that stifles reform and accountability.

The Nigerian Diaspora Shadow (Ministers) Cabinet was initially envisioned as a means to organize and mobilize the diaspora’s expertise and resources, allowing for a more cohesive and strategic engagement with the Nigerian government and society. However, in a run-up to the 2023 general election criticism followed it’s  formation with some calling it a campaign tool. Hon. Gband noted that the stalemate in the speedy takeoff is not just disappointing; it represents a missed opportunity for Nigerians abroad to play a proactive role in shaping the country’s future.

Hon. Gbandi emphasizes that it is time for the diaspora community to stand united in robust advocacy, utilizing its collective influence to demand accountability and challenge the culture of impunity that has become all too prevalent in Nigeria. “We cannot afford to remain passive observers while our country continues to suffer from systemic corruption, lawlessness, and poor governance,” he states. “It is our duty to act, to raise our voices, and to push for the reforms that Nigeria so desperately needs.”

The revival of the Nigerian Diaspora Shadow Cabinet, Hon. Gbandi argues, is essential for achieving these goals. The cabinet would serve as a platform to effectively represent and amplify the concerns of the Nigerian diaspora, while also proposing realistic solutions and advocating for tangible reforms. It would be a means for the diaspora community to engage in the Nigerian political discourse meaningfully and with impact.

Hon. Gbandi’s own experiences during his 2023 senatorial campaign, highlight the urgency of this call to action. The Nigerian Diaspora Shadow Cabinet, if revitalized, could provide a structured and strategic platform for diaspora members to coordinate their efforts, advocate for policy changes, and hold the Nigerian government accountable for its actions. It could also serve as a bridge between the diaspora and domestic opinion leaders, ensuring that the expertise and innovative ideas of Nigerians abroad contribute directly to the nation’s progress.

Hon. Gbandi calls on all members of the diaspora to rally their collective strength and join in resuscitating this essential platform. “We must not fall into the trap of resignation,” he insists. “Together, we have the power to influence and drive change. The Nigerian Diaspora Shadow Cabinet can be our collective voice, a voice that demands accountability, transparency, and progress for our homeland.”

Reviving the cabinet will not be an easy task, but Hon. Gbandi believes that with unity, commitment, and determination, the Nigerian diaspora community can build a strong and effective movement capable of bringing about significant change. The call is clear: it is time for the diaspora to come together, revive the Nigerian Diaspora Shadow Cabinet, and take collective action. Only then can the community make the difference that Nigeria needs and deserves.

Hon. Gbandi urges all who share this vision to reach out and collaborate in this critical endeavor. “Our collective action can make a difference,” he concludes. “Let us take this step forward and ensure that the Nigerian diaspora is not just a passive observer but an active participant in shaping the future of our country.”


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