Press Information
Becoming a German citizen * Police discrimination* Employment opportunities * Education
Police discrimination against immigrants especially of African descent living in Hamburg: Hard reality or wishful thinking?
Speaker: Representative of Hamburg Police
Hamburg Bürgermaster is inviting immigrants to become German citizens;
What are the requirements and accompanying benefits for interested Africans?
Speaker: Dr. Christoph Bushart, Behörde für Inneres und Sport Einwohner-Zentralamt
Job Center & the employment opportunities: Where are the Africans in the big picture?
Speaker: Sönke Fock Director Agentur für Arbeit Hamburg
Healthcare & Education Policies of the Hamburg government;
A) Free medical care and B) Free language classes
Who is qualified for this programme?
Speaker 1: Anne Helberg, Flüchtlings Zentrum
Speaker 2. Bahram Habib, Arbeitsgemeinschaft selbstständiger Migranten (ASM), partner Handelskammer Hamburg
Financial support & sponsoring possibilities by Hamburg city government
for non-profit organizations:. What sort of projects meets this possibility?
How could African organizations go about getting it?
Speaker: Anja Turner ( Interkurelle und integrative Projekt)
Also there would also be Special Information on; The possibilities of financial Support for those who wish to definitely travel back to Africa for good:
Date: Friday 27 April 2012
Time: 16:00 – 18:00 Hrs. prompt
Barmbek Basch Kulture Zentrum, Wohldorfer Str. 30, 22081 Hamburg
Kenneth Gbandi
Repräsentant des Integrationsbeirats des Hamburger Senates
für Afrikanerinnen und Afrikaner
Diarra Mahamane
Unternehme für Bildung
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