Author: admin

PRESS RELEASE:  As We All Celebrate Africa Day 2013 in Hamburg As we all celebrate “Africa Day” 2013 in Hamburg in commemorating the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) now Africa Union (AU) this week, I wish to in my capacity as a Representative “Afrika Region” Hamburg Senate Integration Advisory council (Vertreter der Afrika-Region im Integrationsbeirat, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg) and also in my capacity as the speaker for Anti-discrimination congratulate the African Community in Hamburg for another mile stone. Also as the speaker of the African Consultative Forum (AFC) Hamburg, a non ethnic, non religion African…

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15 Jahre AFRICA POSITIVE Magazin und Verein   Der von der gebürtigen Kamerunerin Veye Tatah 1998 gegründete Verein AFRICA POSITIVE hat sich in den vergangenen 15 Jahren zu einer Dortmunder Institution entwickelt, die durch ihr außergewöhnliches soziales Engagement bundesweit Aufmerksamkeit und Anerkennung erfahren hat. Zu den Schwerpunkten der Vereinstätigkeit gehören sowohl Aufklärung und  Medienarbeit als auch Bildungs- und Integrationsarbeit für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene. Seit Jahren leistet der Verein vorbildliche Integrations- und Bildungsarbeit auf rein ehrenamtlicher Basis. AFRICA POSITIVE ist Anlaufstelle für afrikanische Migranten in Dortmund und unterstützt ihre Anstrengungen, in der deutschen  Gesellschaft Fuß zu fassen und ihnen…

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15 Years AFRICA POSITIVE magazine and organization   Africa Positive, founded in 1998 by Cameroon-born computer scientist Veye Tatah, has developed into a well reputed institution across Germany and the German speaking parts of Europe. Originally, Africa Positive focused on changing the image of Africa in the media by publishing a German language magazine. Today, in addition to the magazine, Africa Positive organizes educational programs and social engagement for the African community in the Dortmund region, for children, adolescents and adults. Africa Positive has gained exceptional recognition across Germany. For many years, the organization has been rendering exemplary work…

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Oyo Mega Trade Fair Unveils Logo The Federal Government has been called upon to create an enabling environment for business initiatives to grow and blossom. Speaking in Ibadan while unveiling the logo of the forth-coming Oyo Mega Trade Fair, the president of the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN), Mr. Rotimi Adeyeye, said it was the duty of government to create an enabling environment for the players and not to dabble into business ventures. Mr. Adeyeye said what the government ought to do was to create conducive atmosphere by putting the necessary infrastructure in place, providing the right social…

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Let us work using our talents and professional sway to move our people from a limelight characterized by dishonesty and fear to one of pride and respect- Hon. Kenneth Gbandi, President NIDO Germany Being part of his inaugural speech Dear distinguished members Nigerians In Diaspora Organization (NIDO) Germany, Dear potential NIDO members, Fellow Nigerians in Germany, Firstly I wish to express my gratitude for the trust and confidence of NIDO Germany in electing me as the new President of this great organization on the 20th April 2013. Again, I pledge my complete and total allegiance and I will work assiduously…

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“The biggest challenge that will confront us is essentially that of logistics” Major General Shehu Usman Abdulkadir, The head ECOWAS-Mission in Mali (AFISMA) U.U. Shehu a journalist on Security and International Politics,  spook to Major General Shehu Usman Abdulkadir, The head ECOWAS-Mission in Mali (AFISMA) in his first media interview after his appointment to head the mission, the General answered many questions on the operational challenges and working relation between the French troops and West African Intervention troops, as part of join combatants in the desert West African country.  Shehu: What are you doing to prepare for this intervention in Mali?…

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Carsten Sieling und Elombo Bolayela: Pressegespräch mit afrikanischen Journalisten Elombo Bolayela: Wir wollen hier heute diskutieren, wie wir als afrikanische Community den SPD-Wahlkampf aktiv unterstützen können. Wir wollen mit Carsten Sieling das Thema Integration diskutieren. Carsten Sieling: Wir wollen Afrikaner nicht nur als Wahlbürger alle vier Jahre ansprechen. Wir wollen, dass die Afrikaner und auch alle anderen Migranten aktiv mitwirken an der Gestaltung des Gemeinwesen. Dass sie sich im Stadtteil und in der Politik mit ihren Interessen einbringen. Elombo Bolayela ist der erste Afrikaner bundesweit, der in einen Landtag eingezogen ist. In unserer Bürgerschaftsfraktion haben wir noch weitere Migranten…

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  African Ambassadors Dialogue with Business (Foto: African Ambassadors’ Dialogue with Business 2013 (c) SIPUA Consulting / ACF) Der erste „2013 African Ambassadors Dialogue with Business“ am 14. Februar Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Berlin war ein voller Erfolg: 100 Botschaftsvertreter aus 48 afrikanischen Ländern, die 99 Prozent der Wirtschaftskraft des afrikanischen Kontinents repräsentieren, und 300 deutsche Wirtschaftsvertreter waren der Einladung gefolgt. Die große Teilnehmerzahl überbot die Erwartungen Veranstalter bei weitem. Gemeinsam von den afrikanischen Botschaften in Berlin und der deutschen Wirtschaft organisiert, bot die Veranstaltung Unternehmensvertretern die Möglichkeit, Kontakte mit afrikanischen Botschaftern und Botschaftsvertretern aufzunehmen oder auszubauen. In seiner…

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Adieu “Ezinne” Victoria  Gbandi 1926-2013 All road leads to Akwukwu Igbo come Wednesday 27 March 2013 “I take greater comfort in God, for in Romans 14:8, it says that “For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s”  Ezinne Victoria Gbandi, Ada Ogbo! Ada umu Juwa! A mother indeed! The best among equals has gone to rest with the Lord.  She bid good bye to us the children and the world on the 7th January 2013. Mama, even…

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PRESS RELEASE Gov. Okorocha, T.B. Joshua, Bakare for Honours A non-governmental organization, Truth, Peace and Development Network Initiative has listed His Excellency, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, Prophet T.B. Joshua and Pastor Tunde Bakare for honours as icons in recognition of their contributions towards upholding truth, peace and development for humanity in the year 2012. According to a statement issued by the organization, governor Okorocha will receive the honours as an Icon of development, Prophet T.B. Joshua as an Icon of peace and Pastor Tunde Bakare as an Icon of truth. The statement notes that a major challenge facing the world today…

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