Inter-denominational Unity Thanksgiving Service to dedicate the 2012 Legislative period of Hamburg Senate Integration Advisory Council
Hamburg witnessed yet another Inter-denominational Unity Thanksgiving Service titled “Festival of Love and Unity” on 24th March 2012 at the Wort des Glaubens Church. It was organized by the office of Kenneth Gbandi, one of the African Representatives in the Hamburg Senate Integration Advisory Council. The aims of the Thanksgiving Service were as follows:
– To pray for peace and unity amongst Africans and in their families
– To commit the works of the African representatives in the integration council unto the able care of God
– To renew pledged by the African Christian Council to support the works of the Integration Council for the community
The Men and women of God, who participated at the church service, were; Pastor Corinne Scholz, pastor of the host church. She conducted the opening prayer, Pastor Charles Opoku prayed against the spirit of inferiority and complex amongst Africans, Pastor Bolaji Yinka Ishola prayed for peace amongst the Africans, Pastor Benson Oben prayed for those in prisons and deportation camps while Pastor Darlington dedicated the commitments and works of the African representatives unto the hands of God. The President of African Christian Council in Hamburg, Pastor Ossia Okeke prayed for peace and unity amongst African families also blessed the offering and rendered the Benediction.
Other Men of God present were; Pastor Bona Boateng Siriboe, Secretary to the African Christian council. Pastor Felix Boat, Executive member of African Christian council presented the Council. Pastor John Amoako, Vice Chairman ACC, Pastor Frank Anane, Pastor Martin Eko, Pastor Kingsley Bayagbon, Apostle and prophetess Owusu-Afriyie, Pastor Duku while Pastor Solomon Enofe and Pastor Samuel Jegede sent in representatives
Elombo Bolayela, a member of Parliament in Bremen. Who was one of the many prominent African dignitaries present emphasized in his speech, the need for Africans to get involve in the socio-political and economic activities in Germany and not stay aside and expect things to work itself out.
The congregation were treated to Holy Ghost filled Gospel songs from the choristers from “Wort des Glaubens” Church, Choristers from Chapel of Believers International Ministry, Kingdom Praise and from Sister Christina Brandt, Brother CJ and Sister Blessing Reuben.
Kingsley Mordi
Below is the full test of Hon. Kenneth Gbandi address at the service.
The President, African Christian Council
African Pastors
Members of Parliament here present
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Friends of Africans
It is an honor to stand before you today as a Representative of the Africans in Hamburg Senate Integration Advisory Council. This is only possible through the expression of your collective votes in your various associations.
Today we are all here to collectively thank God for opening a new chapter of opportunities for us in Hamburg. I personal believe that a community that pray together stays together and will also progress together. This is my first official program and it is important to make God our foundation and point of unity.
It is also my recognitions of the roles the Pastors and the Churches are playing in the life of our community both as spiritual and also as moral guidance. However, I personally believe that our Pastors should do more than this. Encouraging educational, social-economic and political development of the community should also be added to their responsibilities. It is my view that only an educated, social-economic and politically healthy community is capable of advancing Gods given potentials leading to the fulfilment of Gods purpose for us both on earth and in Germany. The unity of the churches and the pastors is fundamental for our collective progress in Hamburg.
Please I am not here to assume the role of wise Solomon, but I come to you in humility that we may celebrate God in oneness for what he has done for us and to ask him for wisdom and mercy in search of solutions for our many challenges in Hamburg as a community.
I also come here to humbly ask you; my fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and friends to support me in this new task to bring a positive change to our community. I come here to humbly ask you to come and let us reasons together. I know the road till now has been long and difficult but this road we must take to achieve Gods given potential.
I thank all the individuals before us who have worked tirelessly for the community in spite of numerous obstacles and limitations. Without your commitments, your endless push for justice and recognitions of the contributions of the Africans, I will not have this opportunity to be at the council today. I wish to use this opportunity to thank you all for making the way free for us, the younger generation.
But the work is not done yet. We have moved to the next level.
In the next days, months and years with God’s help I will be launching a series of self –helped initiative to address the needs of the Africans in Hamburg. This will be anchored on a four pillars of; Education, Information- sharing (including Jobs, Housing and integration programs as well as initiative on Youths, Sport, Arts & Culture.
To help us achieved this therefore, I have created a body to be known as African Consultative Forum (ACF) a think tank group which will be made of a speaker, co-coordinating secretary, professional Steering Committee and an Advisory Board to be officially launched on the 25th of May 2012 at the Le Royal event center during the official Banquet.
From 25th May to 27th May, my office will in collaborating with the organizers Afrika-Messe-Hamburg, one of the first Africa-Messe in the city of Hamburg we will provide any registered African Association with the opportunity to take a stand to exhibit their information and services free of charge. The Venue is Veranstaltungszentrum Rieckhof.
Also scheduled for next month is an information /discussion event with representatives of relevant Ministries and institutions to address the issues relevant to the community. They include but not limited to police discrimination and opportunity to join the police, New Job opportunities for Africans, Financial sponsorship for African Organization/Associations, free basic Language School, free medical facilities for the most disadvantage group in our community as well as information on financial assistance for those traveling finally back to Africa. The event is scheduled for Friday 27th April 2012 from 16:00 – 18:00 Hrs at Barmbek Basch Kulturzentrum, Wohldorfer Str. 30. More of such events in partnership with “ACF” will be part of my program in collaboration my colleagues at the council and it will be a continuous process.
Also part of the planned program this year is the launching of an information pamphlet for the Africans and friends of Africans titled pathfinder. This booklet will contain targeted and important information relevant to the African community in Hamburg, including important government institutions and programm, church information, and major African initiatives.
African sports festival both for the Adults and for the youth’s from age group 9-12 is also part of our program this year. Apart from keeping us mentally and physically fit, it will provide an interactive forum for the community. Integration also means interaction, so this year my office will re-introduce a yearly African Cultural Day in Hamburg to reawaken our cultural identity. In this respect, the initiative “Africa my continent; Hamburg my Home” is already receiving major supports including Otto Ado HSV junior trainer, Dayan Kodua, Hollywood and TV Actress , Yarad Dibaba, NDR TV presenter and moderator and many others.
The fact that our lovely Pretty is Moderating this event today shows that our youths are also an important partners for the success of any program that concerns the development of our community. They need a role model, they need direction and they need encouragements. This duty starts from our individual families, our parents and also our pastors. Unity at homes and in our Churches, including the cordial relationships amongst our pastors is a crucial starting point and it is important to stress it again.
I thank my family for providing me unquestionable support, my friends especially Jimmy for their support before during and after the election. I want to thank Pastor Corinne for providing the Church facility for this service, Sister Mary and Brother Georg for facilitating the usage of the Church, all the Pastors that gave their time and advice, especially Pastor Darlington C. Jacobs, my pastor for their spiritual guidance. Above all I thank God for his infinitive mercy, Blessings and the ability and capability to serve the community.
We cannot afford to fail this time, why we should anyway! For the Bible says if two or more are gathered in my name, whatever they bind on earth shall be bind in Haven. The future of the community is in our Hands and time to move to the next level is now. It is time for a positive change.
Thank You and God Bless You
Visit facebook for full event photos