
Consultation and Training of Migrant Self-help Organizations (MSO)

Der PARITÄTISCHE Wohlfahrtsverband Hamburg e.V.

Consultation and Training of Migrant Self-help Organizations (MSO)

Wandsbeker Chaussee 8

22089 Hamburg

                                  L) Nebahat Güçlü                       R)  Sidonie Fernau            

Migrant self-help organisations make an indispensable contribution to the intercultural life in our society, to the integration and inclusion of people of diverse backgrounds. Their financial resources are limited; very often they have only little knowledge of existing support systems and the structures of welfare work. With the “Consultation and Training of Migrant Self-help Organizations” programme, the association Der PARITÄTISCHE Hamburg will strengthen the work of migrant organizations by capacitating the employees to better use their knowledge and experiences in welfare and integration work. The project will create a greater visibility for their integrative efforts and work by offering consultation and training, as well as by enabling the employees of these organizations to provide effective and efficient services at community level.

Target Group

The programme is aimed at employees of self-help groups for migrants in Hamburg. Associations and groups that are not members of Der PARITÄTISCHE Hamburg can benefit from this service, too.

Our Expertise

With specialist counseling we support employees and volunteers of migrant organizations, intercultural associations and groups with their questions – e.g. concerning organizational development, the establishment of associations, financing options and access to funds. Consultation hours are Tuesdays from 10 to 13 and from 15 to 18 hrs. Additional consultation hours might be scheduled by appointment.

Qualification and Training

Skills development and training will help employees of migrant organizations to further their knowledge with regards to the following topics:

• Establishing an organization and developing a concept

• Organization management and development

• Financial management of an organization

• Accessing funds and developing a fund raising strategy

• Mediation and counseling techniques

• Group instructions and guidance

• The basic principles of social legislation

Seminars and workshop focusing on further topics will be offered on enquiry. We will keep you updated about dates, times, topics and locations.

For further information visit our website: or contact us:

Project manager (  Nebahat Güçlü  )  

 Phone: 040 – 415201-74

Mobil: 0172 – 4181994

Consultant (Sidonie Fernau)
Phone: 040 – 415201-62



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