Dr. med. Daniel Ubani:- Cosmetic and Aesthetic Surgery, Anti-Aging Medicine and Wellness
Director QUEEN IDIA- Germany
QUEEN IDIA is a symbol for the development of beauty in our Clinic for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Surgery, Anti-Aging Medicine and Wellness.
History of QUEEN IDIA
She had been confirmed Queen Mother by her own son, King ESIGIE, in the Kingdom of BINI, today EDO State in Nigeria, at the beginning of the 16th century. Because of her beauty and authority Idia became a symbol of African female beauty and a protégée of Nigerian cultural heritage. National Museums of the European capitals London, Paris, Berlin, and the Metropolitan Museum of New York display her beautiful head sculptures made of ivory and bronze, which had been imported from Nigeria in the colonial times.
General Medicine
Complete medical check-up, diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, prostrate gland diseases, diagnosis of all types of cancers, special treatment of allergies and hay fever with auto-haemodilution method.
Surgical operations
Aesthetic / cosmetic surgery
Believing that beauty and aesthetic are God-given gifts from birth, we try to support, preserve and steadily improve it with different applications according to the wish of the clients. Every human being has some secret wishes of how good one wants to appear. A successful cosmetic treatment in most cases invariably leads to a fulfilment of these secret wishes and assures satisfaction and self-confidence in a highly competitive modern society as well as success and happiness in private and public life.
Beauty entails not only a pleasant, attractive appearance or a beautiful face. It is the expression of the personal disposition and behaviour; it is the art of expression, the elegance when someone moves or laughs. Ideal beauty and its conception differ from person to person and also within different cultures.
Anti-aging medicine
In our anti-aging therapy strategy we explain why it is essential to take preventive and regenerative measures to help counteract the biological aging process of our bodies. This holds true especially in the second half of our life (when reaching the age of 40) to minimize this process or to delay it as long as possible.
This article was first published in Nigerian Year Book Germany 2009 and republished as part of the ongoing debate about the comment credited to Ambassador Abdu Usman Abubakar that Germany does not have many Nigerians and the few ones available are busy fighting each other to make any meaningful contribution