Press Release

Anioma, Delta State, Nigeria – June 19, 2024 – The Apex Association of Anioma Indigenes Inc. (AAAI) is proud to publicly support the long-standing agitation for the creation of Anioma State. This movement, deeply rooted in the aspirations of the Anioma people, seeks to establish a distinct geopolitical entity for the Igbo-speaking communities west of the Niger River.

The demand for Anioma State dates back to the 1950s, initiated by the people of Aboh and Asaba divisions within the Western Regional House of Assembly. Despite early setbacks, the desire for a separate state has remained unwavering. The traditional council of Chiefs from Anioma, led by Chief Patrick Ozieh, Chairman of Izu Anioma, has continuously advocated for the state’s creation, highlighting its rich endowment in crude oil and other natural resources, making it a viable entity.

AAAI’s President General, Apst Patrick A. Nwanze, reaffirms the association’s commitment to this cause. “The creation of Anioma State is a justified and long-overdue demand,” stated Nwanze. “It is time for the Anioma people to have a distinct political identity and a sense of belonging within Nigeria.”

Historically, the Anioma people’s quest for statehood has faced numerous challenges. The late Asagba of Asaba, Professor Chike Edozien, led a significant delegation to the National Assembly, advocating for Anioma State. Despite meeting constitutional requirements for state creation in 1983, the move was halted by a coup. This enduring struggle highlights the persistent marginalization faced by the Anioma people.

Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and Chief Obafemi Awolowo’s early advocacy for regional division based on ethnic and cultural affinities set the foundation for the current movement. The renewed efforts in the 1980s, led by figures like Senator Nosike Ikpo, expanded Anioma to encompass nine local governments. Despite repeated setbacks, the demand for Anioma State remains strong.

Senator Ned Nwoko’s recent reactivation of the Anioma State creation agenda has revitalized efforts, drawing attention to the significant economic and infrastructural benefits it promises. The creation of Anioma State would not only activate the Asaba port but also prioritize coastal road development, boosting socioeconomic conditions for riverside communities.

The geographical and cultural uniqueness of Anioma, meaning “Good Land” in Igbo, further underscores the justification for its statehood. With rich gas deposits and a strong educational heritage, Anioma stands poised to thrive as a distinct entity. The major towns and villages, including Asaba, Agbor, and Kwale, form a robust foundation for the proposed state.

Prominent Anioma individuals, such as Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Austine “Jay-Jay” Okocha, and Ifeanyi Okowa, among others, exemplify the potential and contributions of the Anioma people to Nigeria.

“Our ethnicity is Anioma, our language is Anioma, and our dialects include Odiani, Ika, Ukwuani, Eboh, and Enuani,” Nwanze emphasized. “Without standing out in our true identity, Anioma will remain an overlooked appendage.”

AAAI is committed to ensuring that the creation of Anioma State is not derailed by political manipulation. Our objectives—promoting good governance and accountability, cultural heritage, and youth development—will make Anioma State a beacon of progress and unity.

About Apex Association of Anioma Indigenes Inc.

The Apex Association of Anioma Indigenes Inc. is dedicated to the promotion of the welfare and interests of the Anioma people. Through advocacy, cultural preservation, and youth development, AAAI strives to enhance the socioeconomic and political status of Anioma within and outside Nigeria.

For further information, please contact:

Apex Association of Anioma Indigenes Inc. Press Release

  • Apst Patrick A. Nwanze, President General
  • Professor Adaobi Ugbomeh (Secretary General)
  • Engr Prof Emmanuel Anazia (Chairman Board of Trustees)
  • Hon. (Dr) Kenneth Chibuogwu Gbandi. (Diaspora Coordinator General


  • 141 Asaba, Housing Estate Asaba Opposite International Airport Asaba, Delta State.
    Tel: 08036380206, 08036750485, 08033228442, 08033366120

Uwaoma nu! Mbana ni o! Akpamia mu unu!

End of Press Release


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